Friday, February 22, 2008

the other gap

All music teachers make me feel very sad. They are so earnest in their expression, no matter where in the world they are. (why does earnestness earnesty earnestnism make me sad? Maybe because I am Rachel's sister).

I was disgusted however to learn that one of the musicians in the Jordan Symphony Orchestra was a member of the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra for a few years (playing with the jews will lead to peace). (that part doesn't disgust me, obv). (WEDO was founded by Edward Said and Daniel Barenboim in 1999).

The JSO had the opportunity to bring in an Israeli bassist to perform in the orchestra and work at the school (there is a bassist-gap) (so mind it). The one member of staff that actively lobbied against having him join was the one member of staff that had been in the WEDO (non official name), trying to bridge the DIVIDE for JESUS CHRIST'S (jew's) Sake. I feel like vomiting. I think this is a news story in the making, though I love the JSO and the WEDO (even though I don't know them) and don't want them to get a bad rap. It just shows that even roses stank. As does yo shit. Bitches be crazy. (I watched Heartbreak something or other with Ben Stiller and his pops. His pops kept saying things like that non-secuiter).

The King of Jordan appointed the mayor and the mayor appointed me, by the way. The mayor also appointed Mohammad, who drove us around (or rather, sat next to the driver and spoke to us in broken english). He reminded me of a combination between Borat and Alexander Perchov ("My legal name is Alexander Perchov. But all of my friends dub me Alex, because that is a more flaccid-to-utter version of my legal name. Mother dubs me Alexi-stop-spleening-me!, because I am always spleening her") - but i suppose when you travel any one who is male and a vague engish speaker reminds you of Borat and Alexander Perchov's love child.

I think he asked me to marry him, but I am not sure. The customs official definitely asked for my hand, and I did have a moment of fear as I looked around the airport and realized that he was the most official person in the room. He had a gap between his front teeth, which we were both pleased by. He said, Do you have a husband?  Do you have a friend? Do you wish to marry me?

I said I had a friend. I do have friends.

i am back from amman.  (did we know i even went to amman?)

The jordanian men are verrrrrryy handsome. It was wentworth miller all over the place, except the gay part.

the national symphony orchestra and the national music conservatory break my heart. like all arts orgnanisations (it seems), they care so much and work so hard,  yet constantly have to make the (economic) case for culture. i wonder if skateboarding shops (rando example) think this to convert the unconverted.

amoeba (which i now think i got from the sketchiest indian food restaurant ever in dubai) is still lurking...acupuncture, weird christina aguilera pills, disgusting tea and shisha (hookah) ( i thnk everyone in jordan thoght i was saying "hooker". it is not the word for HUBBLE BUBBLE! there) have not killed the lurker.